Function: octave_control_bode_phase ( num, den, min, max, n )
A Bode plot is a graph of the transfer function of a linear, time-invariant system versus frequency, plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the system's frequency response.
function out=octave_control_bode_phase( num, den, min, max, n ) w = logspace( min, max, n ) s = polyval(num, complex(0, w))./polyval(den, complex(0, w)); phase = angle(s)/3.14159*180; semilogx(w, phase); out = ""; endfunction
Function: [mag, pha, w] = bode ( sys )
Function: [mag, pha, w] = bode ( sys, w )
Bode diagram of frequency response.
See Also ...
- octave_control_nyquist.m

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